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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

 Background to the Study

Historically, there has been a vacuum in information sharing between vendors and purchasers. This was due to large-scale manufacture of various product kinds by various companies. Advertising becomes unavoidable in order to advertise such items (Akanbi et al, 2011).

Advertising is a key medium in a capitalist system where the customers' actions decide what the sellers will sell. Advertising, on the other hand, is useless in a market where the sellers have complete control over what, where, when, and how to price their goods and services (Adebayo, 2012).

A market is often made up of people with a variety of demands. Some of these individuals are sellers (producers), while others are purchasers (market). Each of these organizations is confronted with the challenge of getting the necessary information. The buyer looks for the vendors, and the sellers look for the buyers to solve the problem. It is frequently the responsibility of the seller to learn about product characteristics in order to package and convey relevant information to the target audience.

Advertising is a type of promotion that is one of the most important aspects of the marketing mix (Adebayo, 2012). As a result, in order for any promotional activity to be successful, advertising skills must be used to entice the reader, viewer, listener, or passer-by to stop, look, listen, read, be convinced, and finally take action by using words, picture slogans, color, size movement, and other techniques to entice the reader, viewer, listener, or passer-by to stop, look, listen, read, and take interest in the product by being convinced.

The element utilized to inform and persecute the market about a company's goods is promotion (Maio, 2000). The goal of advertising, which is the subject of this project, is to bring the product or service to the target market through the marketing channel. In fact, promotion refers to the marketer's efforts to communicate with members of the target market as well as middlemen in order to maximize the likelihood that the sale sequence is carried out smoothly and effectively (Akanbi et al, 2011).

1.2   Statement of Research Problem

Advertising, one of the promotional aspects that a company may employ to convey appealing product information, is nearly unavoidable in today's market if a company is to succeed (Akanbi et al, 2011).

Gone are the days when it was believed that a good product will sell itself. Because the market has grown so competitive, the company must explain to potential consumers what it has to offer that similar items do not (Adebayo, 2012).

Finally, some individuals believe that advertising is only significant in urban regions and not in rural places. Their argument is that people in rural regions are mainly illiterate and hence are not affected in any manner by advertising to buy a certain product. Is this correct?

The researcher began this study project in order to address the aforesaid issue. As a result, the problem of this study is posed as a question: "What effect does advertising have on the purchasing habits of rural dwellers?"

1.3   Purpose of the Study

This study is warranted by the following purpose:

1.     To know whether Igarra people prefer MacLean to other brand of toothpaste.

2.     To know the extent to which Igarra people understand advertising messages.

3.     To know the effect of advertising messages on Igarra people.

4.     To know the effect of price change on demand for toothpastes by Igarra people.

5.     To predict future preference for a particular brand of toothpaste by Igarra people.

6.  To be able to determine the impact of advertising on the buying habit of Igarra community.

7.     To judge the suitability of a particular advertising media on the people.

1.4   Research Questions

1.     How can advertising influence consumer buying habit?

2.     To what extent does advertising affect the buying habit of Igarra people?

3.    Does exposure to advertising messages influence consumer’s choice of toothpaste?

4.  How does advertisement induce the people of Igarra community to prefer MacLean to other related products?  

5.     Does television (TV) adverts have more influence on Igarra people than radio adverts?

6.     Is there preference for MacLean toothpaste in the buying habit of rural dwellers as a result of their exposure to advertisement?

1.5  Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis I

HO:   Advertising does not have any impact on the buying habit of rural dwellers

HI:    Advertising has impact on the buying habit of rural dwellers.

Hypothesis II

HO:   There is no preference on MacLeans over other toothpaste in the buying habit of rural dwellers as a result of their exposure to advertising.

HI:    There is preference on MacLeans over other toothpaste in the buying habit of rural dwellers as a result of their exposure to advertising

1.6   Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the importance of advertising in Igarra community with regards to their choice of particular brand of toothpaste. Emphasis will therefore be laid on advertising strategies, procedure and evaluation in Igarra community, Akoko-Edo Local Government, Edo State.

1.7   Significance of the Study

The study will be of benefit to advertising practitioners, who would want an appraisal of the impact of advertising on rural communities and also to scholars studying advertising as a course.

The research will also be beneficial to those who need to be acquainted with the goals of advertising in rural area (Igarra), especially MacLeans which seems to have been neglected as a result of new product such as close-up, maxam etc.

The research will also serve the media advertising agencies that need to know the evaluation• or the responses of the advertising message on rural dwellers and how the advertising message will change their buying habit of MacLeans to either they continue or discontinue.

Finally, this work especially the recommendations, will be useful to students and other professional researchers who may wish to make further studies on this or another related topic.

1.8   Limitations of the Study

During the research work, the researcher experienced a lot of constraints, among these are;

1.     Some of the respondents were hesitating to comply amicable and hence prevent the researcher from obtaining sufficient information required for the study.

2.     Some of the respondents are illiterates as a result, unable to answer some basic questions.

3.     The research work was placed during some environmental disaster in Igarra community and as a result of the havoc; the researcher did not cover some major areas.

4.The researcher was financially handicapped during the study and such, impede the smoothness of the whole exercise.

5.     It was not possible for the researcher to cover the entire Igarra community to gather the needed information for the study because of exorbitant transportation cost.

1.9   Operational Definition of Terms

1.     Advertisement: This is apowerful communication force and a vital marketing tool that facilitates the selling of goods, services and ideas through channel of information and persuasion.

2.     Advertising medium: This consist of any means by which sales message can be conveyed to potential buyers.

3.     Advertising Theme: This is a slogan or praise which various sellers use to prepare their products so as to stimulate the buying interest of the consumer. It is a technical means of promoting products through various media.

4.     Buying Habit: This is the consumer’s behavior exhibited during the process of purchasing.

5.     Consumer: This refers to a person or persons who buy an advertise products or services for immediate consumption.

6.     Case Study: This is a type of social research that studies a subject matter in its totality, so that results can be used to generalize other subjects with similar or related background. The subject can be phenomena e.g. industries, communities, e.g. Igarra as a case study of rural dwellers in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State.

7.     Influence: This means power to effect character, beliefs or action. Thus, it would be in form of change or reaction.

8.     Media Planning: This involves the selection of appropriate media for carrying the advertiser’s message to target market, deciding what to buy and how much to spend in each medium and scheduling when the advertising is to run.

9.     Packaging: This includes the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

10.   Precaution: This is the process whereby an attempt is made to induce changes in attitudes and behaviour through involvement of a person cognitive and effective process.

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